Private Reverse Mortgage

Private Reverse Mortgage Lender in certain states (California)

Introducing Team Jim Black and our Bridge to Close Program: Your Private Reverse Mortgage Lender in California!

We've designed a simple and efficient loan program to make the process smooth and fast, with minimal complications, just like a reverse mortgage.

With our Reverse Relief program, you get the perfect solution if you want a loan without monthly payments*, and you can still stay in your beloved home. This private reverse mortgage is here to help when a regular mortgage isn't an option due to property conditions, termite issues, long processing times, problems with the borrower's status, or other tricky restrictions. Our very own Reverse Relief offers you financial relief and extra funds, all while keeping your home under your ownership.

*Remember, all outstanding debt is due when certain Maturity Events happen as specified in the loan documents. Feel free to ask for more details, as Reverse Relief is a unique and special loan program.

If you're looking for a hassle-free loan with great benefits, Team Jim Black and our Bridge to Close Program are here for you. Let us help you with a private reverse mortgage that meets your needs and keeps you comfortable in your own home. Reach out to us and let's make it happen!

Work With Jim

I have local fulfillment, which give you piece of mind that your loan will be handled by an expert. I look forward to the opportunity to be your trusted loan advisor!